3A GRAMMAR: Syntax (Tenses) (18 points; l point per form): Put the verb
in brackets in the correct form. Take care with the word order. Do not add any
modal verbs, other tfaan "will" / "would".
It (l often, claim) that any advance in scientific knowledge (2 certainly,
exploit) even if there (3 be) serious ethical objections to it. Cloning, which
(4 be) in the news again over the last three months, is an example in question
and one (5 not, need) much imagination to predict that this topic (6 remain)
newsworthy for many years to come. Readers of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World,
which (7 first, publish) seventy years ago, (8 recall) , I am sure, that the
novelist (9 already, describe) cloning in great detail decades before any
biologist (10 strive) to develop the cloning techniques which (11 now, use) for
five years. If, in 1932, Huxley (12 claim) that what he (13 imagine) äs the
future of mankind (14 actually, realize) within two generations, he (15 treat)
äs a crank and a fool. What (16 teil, this) us about the role of science
fiction today •? Perhaps that people (17 now, look) to science fiction authors
to portray the world as it (18 be) in 2075.
Why (l many of us, avoid) walking under ladders or staying in hotel rooms on the
thirteenth floor? Yesterday (2 behave, I) rationally while I (3 walk) through
the park, when I (4 begin) to slow down because (5 I, just a second before,
catch) sight of a black cat approaching from my left, the sinister side ? In
medieval times even the highly educated clerics (6 teach) since early childhood
that the Devil (7 prefer) to adopt the guise of a black feline rather than
reveal his true face. None of us (8 learn) such theological wisdom during
childhood yet after you (9 leave) this examination room how many of you (10 say)
to yourselves or to friends, " Fm keeping my fingers crossed that 1(11
learn) enough during the last three months to have passed." You (12 all
bring up) in a rational age shaped by rapid scientific progress, and, since your
earliest days, (13 adopt, unconsciously) day by day the belief that in the
foreseeable future humankind (14 understand) all there (15 be) to know about the
natural world. You, young people of the 21 st Century, you (16 not deceive) into
believing that a black cat which (17 just appear) in front of you will lead to
your downfall! But just in case, you (18 already, learn) to keep your fingers
Janet Leigh, who (l pilot) long-haul British Airways aircraft for the last three
years, (2 just, fly) her first non-stop flight over the Pole to Los Angeles.
"Ms Leigh (3 give) this, the most demanding of our routes, because she (4
prove) to be an outstanding flier," a British Airways spokesperson (5 say)
in London yesterday. Now aged 36, she (6 first, fly) a commercial aircraft when
she (7 just, turn) 23 and she (8 not, look) back since. But it is her first
over-the-Pole flight that (9 tell) her that she (10 soon, join) the elite of BA
pilots. If you (11 ask) a senior BA executive, even as late as 1993, whether one
day women (12 regularly, sit) at the controls of the world's largest passenger
aircraft, he (13 probably, laugh) in your face.
fact is that today women pilots (14 increasingly, prove) themselves in direct
competition with their very best male colleagues - at all levels in their
hierarchy and on all routes," the spokesperson (15 go) on to say. "We
(16 not, give) women preference nor (17 B A, pursue) a policy of positive
discrimination. Now, and in the future, the Company will consider every
applicant solely on merit -gender (18 never, enter) into the decision-making
In 1999 Dieter Schwanitz, a former Hamburg professor of English, (l publish) a
book on what people (2 traditionally, understand) by the term "education",
Bildung. Schwanitz (3 already, draw) attention to himself in the early
nineties when he (4 write) the novel, Campus, which a German director (5
since, successfully, film). It (6 star) Heiner Lauterbach, who (7 play) the role
of a professor who, after he (8 start) a love affair with a Student (9 end) up
disgracing himself. If a book on Bildung (10 write) 40 years ago, it (11
probably, be) an uncontroversial work; in 1959 most people (12 agree) on what it
(13 mean) to be gebildet. In Germany and other Western countries, things
(14 radically, change) in the meantime, in the last forty years. What (15 happen)?
Whereas in 1959 it (16 take) for granted that every German school Student, at
least at the Gymnasium, (17 read) Goethe, Lessing, Schiller and other
classical authors, nowadays, in Schwanitz's and many others' opinion, this
common and essential cultural knowledge, and much other knowledge, (18 gradually,