The Art of Translation
„Dummerweise haben die Engländer als Gruppenzweiter ein bissel
gepatzt.“ X
sound: Beckenbauer,dummerweise.mp3
"Stupidly, the English have slipped up a little by finishing second in
their group.
'Der Kaiser' has already derided Fabio Capello's team for playing 'kick and rush'
football and now his English sources claim he's said they're 'stupid' to finish
second in their group (A better translation is that England 'messed up a little'
but it doesn't make for as good a story).
by blogger:
Please learn the German language. He didn's say 'stupid', he said 'dummerweise'
which means 'unfortunately' in Southern Germany, where he is from.
By Bavaria.. Posted June 24 2010 at 6:03 PM.
1: C19fan
The last time someone holding the title of Kaiser opened their pie hole too
many times the English gave him an arse kicking, hee hee.
posted on Donnerstag,
24. Juni 2010 13:29:02
by C19fan
(reply by) wolf78
last time someone holding the title of Kaiser opened their pie hole too many
times the English gave him an arse kicking, hee hee.
Except this is just more complete, utter bullshit from the Sun. The
original quote from Beckenbauer reads like this in German:
Dummerweise haben die Engländer als Gruppenzweiter ein bissel gepatzt.
doesn't refer to the English team here, but to the situation in general. The
literal translation would be "in a stupid way", meaning "unfortunately".
So what Beckenbauer actually said was:
Unfortunately the English have slipped up a bit finishing second in their
group., expressing his disappointment to have such a classic match this
early in the tournament. Quote Beckenbauer: Ein
solches Spiel sollte ein Halbfinale sein, nicht schon ein Achtelfinale.,
i.e. "[the pairing] should have been a semifinal instead".
So if anyone
deserves an arsekicking for opening their pieholes it's the SUN staff for
deliberately mis-translating Beckenbauer's column. Hopefully the German team
will deliver an appropriate answer this weekend ;).
on Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010 14:52:21 by wolf78